السبت، ديسمبر ٣٠، ٢٠٠٦
الجمعة، ديسمبر ٢٩، ٢٠٠٦
ماذا يتمنى الطبيب من المريض
أولا: في العيادة
إعداد الشكوى كاملة مسبقا: كم يسعد الطبيب إذا كانت كل شكاوى المريض مجموعة معا و جاهزة
معرفة المريض بأدويته أو إحضارها معه
الالتزام بالعلاج: فما الفائدة من أن يرى الطبيب المريض إذا كان الأخير لا يريد أن ينفذ نصيحته
ثانيا: في الطوارئ
ثالثا: في أقسام التنويم
إخبار المريض لطبيبه عن كل المستجدات أولا بأول
الثقة بالطبيب ما لم يبد سببا واضحا لزعزعة هذه الثقة
صدمتني إحدى المريضات (و هي تعاني من حساسية من الصبغة التي تعطى مع الأشعة المقطعية) ذات يوم باتهامها لنا أننا نكذب عليها حيث أخبرناها أننا سنجري لها أشعة بالرنين المغناطيسي بينما نحن نرتب في الواقع (كما تعتقد) لأن نجري لها أشعة مقطعية! لم نفعل شيئا لتتهمنا هذا الاتهام العجيب
يتمنى الطبيب كذلك أن يتفهم المريض التسلسل المهني في مهنة الطب، و أن هناك طلبة طب ، و أطباء امتياز، و أطباء مقيمون، و أخصائيون و أخيرا استشاريون. إن كون الاستشاري لم يشارك لسبب ما في المرور ذلك اليوم لا يعني أنه لم يمر أحد على المريض أو يره
الأحد، ديسمبر ٢٤، ٢٠٠٦
أعظم الآلام
الجمعة، ديسمبر ٢٢، ٢٠٠٦
تصبحون على خير
الخميس، ديسمبر ٢١، ٢٠٠٦
Saudi Blogs
Saudi Blogs
و الذي أصبح موقعي المفضل
ما السبب يا ترى؟
الثلاثاء، ديسمبر ١٩، ٢٠٠٦
إن أصبحت رئيسة
أبين لمرؤوسي كل ما لهم من حقوق و ما أتوقعه منهم من التزامات- حبذا مكتوبة-
أستمع إلى رؤسائي و زملائي و مرؤوسي بخصوص ما يجب أن أعدله في أدائي-
أحاسب المقصر و أسأله عن سبب تقصيره-
أكافئ المجد-
التقويم المستمر لسير العمل و الأداء العام-
أدعم مرؤوسي جميعا بأقصى ما أستطيع-
أحافظ على العلاقة المهنية-
السبت، ديسمبر ١٦، ٢٠٠٦
أطباء بلا حدود
الثلاثاء، ديسمبر ١٢، ٢٠٠٦
بين الطموح و الواقع
في أن أكون شخصا متميزا في علم لا يملكه الكثيرون
في علم قد يغير وجه العالم
أن أقدر إمكانياتي
أن أصغي إلى نصيحة من حذروني من هذا الطريق الوعر الذي مروا به فهو طريق حافل بالآلام
أن أتذكر أن في حياتي جوانب أخرى
الخميس، نوفمبر ٣٠، ٢٠٠٦
من كتابات مرام مكاوي
"رسالة من مواطنة من الدرجة الثالثة"
قالت مرام كل ما أردت أن أعبر عنه
شكرا مرام
الأربعاء، نوفمبر ٢٩، ٢٠٠٦
الأمير الصغير
Post Graduate Training Abroad -3
This post (as the previous in this series) is aimed mainly for health care professionals, although others might find it useful too.
What is a CV?
CV stands for the word Curriculum Vitae. In some places it is called a resume. It is the document that describes your life events and achievements. When applying for a job, your CV plays an important role in the (marketing) process.
It is never early to write a CV. Even if you didn't graduate yet you will find it very useful to start . It will help you to notice the weak points on your CV so you can work on them later.
Nothing in CV writing is totally right or wrong, except for few points:
- It should be in black and white only.
- 2 pages in length is the best.
- Be consistent in using the font and size.
- It should be always updated.
How to start:
Choose a quite place to sit down with a pen and blank sheets of paper. Write down everything related to your academic and professional life. List all the presentations that you made and all the courses that you attended. List everything, as if you are in a brain storming session.
After you are done, start with a new blank piece of paper, and write these categories down:
- Personal information
- Objective
- Education
- Professional Experience
- Licencs and certificates
- Awards and honors
- Presentations
- Research Experience
- Courses and conferences
- Extracurricular activities
- Hobbies and interests
- References
Now you have to write the appropriate elements under each subheading. You have to choose now. Not everything you did in your life can go in your CV
I will try to elaborate on more aspects of that later.
To be continued...
الأحد، نوفمبر ٢٦، ٢٠٠٦
من روائع القصص العالمية
أو. هنري
انطوان تشيكوف
أوسكار وايلد
و آخرون
يوم سعيد
الجمعة، نوفمبر ٢٤، ٢٠٠٦
Post Graduate Training Abroad -2
The list of the required documents include:
- Curriculum Vitae (CV) or resume
- Personal statement (if available)
- Recommendation letters-3 to 5
- MCCEE result letter
- TOEFL result letter (if available)
- Certified copies of the medical school graduation certificate
- Certified copies of the transcript
- Certified copies of the internship certificate
- Personal photos
- Letter of financial support (for example: from the ministry of higher education)
The complete list of documents, in addition to many other valuable information, are available on the website of the Saudi Arabian Cultural Bureau in Canada-Ottawa.
In the coming post of this series I'll be writing about writing the CV, which is a very important topic. Be around.
To be continued...
الأحد، نوفمبر ١٩، ٢٠٠٦
لمرضى الهيموفيليا
الجمعة، نوفمبر ١٠، ٢٠٠٦
I am back!
I came back few days ago.
My first time to have a business trip :)
It was a great success alhamduliAllah...
What were the benefits from this trip?
1- I gained a great experience in
- managing travel issues: I was the organizer of the whole trip (except for some help from my dear brother)...
- having interviews ( ask me if you have any questions about that!). I am even writing what I learned down in order not to forget the details.
2- Met many great people: some of them I knew before...Others were completely strangers to me...But all of them were absolutely wonderful! They were of great help. Some of them were Saudi, others were Canadian...And few other people from other nationalities.
3- It was huge booster for my self confidence! Almost reached 150%!
4- Pleasure of having a good time, as a vacation in a beautiful country.
5- Having the opportunity to attend a very beneficial conference in the specialty of my interest, in one of the best centers!
6- Success in what I had this trip for in the first place: being accepted in the program. Thanks God...That was a great blessing.
Regarding the drawbacks...There were few:
1- I missed 2 weeks of Ramadan...And of course the whole eid!
2- I missed my mother and my brother a lot.
It was a very enjoyable experience! I'm so happy about it.
الثلاثاء، سبتمبر ٢٦، ٢٠٠٦
Post Graduate Training Abroad -1
Well...I did. But thanks Allah there were many helpful people (and books!) around.
Where did it all start? Let me remember...
I have just started my internship then...when I decided to go into hematology.
Ist of all I did 2 months there as an intern. The department knew me well by then. I then got the job.
The choice came later, whether to complete the post graduate studies here or abroad.
I had to set with the whole family for few times until everybody agreed that it is better to study abroad, as I have a scholarship.
2nd step was: where to go?
My choice was Canada. It is a very friendly country, great training programs, people are coming back as leaders, and I know many people there.
Later I had to take the Medical Council of Canada Evaluating Exam (MCCEE). No application can be ever received without its result. I took it in May 2005.
How to prepare for it? My advice is:
1- Make sure you have enough time to study...3 months if working, 1 month if not (or light job).
2- Try as many MCQs as you can.
3- Memorize 2 books: any book for the USMLE Step 2 + a good book in psychiatry. (Colleagues who took the exam recently advised to read a book in behavioral sciences, too. For example: High yield behavioral sciences).
4- Refer to Toronto Notes as required.
I used this plan and I got a pretty good mark alhamduliAllah.
To be continued...
السبت، أغسطس ٠٥، ٢٠٠٦
عن التثقيف الصحي
الثلاثاء، يوليو ٠٤، ٢٠٠٦
فلسطين تسحق و العالم يتفرج
الآلاف تسحق و تداس
من أجل واحد
و العالم كله
بمن فيهم أنا و أنت
اللهم انصرنا على أهوائنا
كي نستحق أن تنصرنا على أعدائنا
الأربعاء، يونيو ٢٨، ٢٠٠٦
طبع متعب
الأحد، يونيو ٢٥، ٢٠٠٦
About Health Related Web Sites in Arabic
Hope we can change this reality.
الخميس، يونيو ٠٨، ٢٠٠٦
Snapshots From Last Week
I wish her the best.
I wish she doesn't forget me.
A person who taught me alot also left.
I wish her the best too.
I wish that all her wishes and dreams come true.
Good luck dear.
السبت، مايو ٢٧، ٢٠٠٦
Letting Go!
I believe I have a great difficulty in letting go.
I want everything to stay the same...hate change...don't want friends to leave...
What should I do with myself?!
الثلاثاء، مايو ٢٣، ٢٠٠٦
A dress over another!
We first enter the room of that young lady with acute leukemia.
She is single, a stranger in this country, has no relatives around, just terrified with her...diagnosis.
I think the only worse thing than getting sick...is getting sick in a strange country...not at home.
I feel so bad...feel as if I'm in her place...
Then we leave...
The 2nd patient is that old nice sweet lady...with all her sons and daughters around.
She is so cheerful.
But she cannot walk...due to complications of her multiple diseases.
She cries when we enter her room...
I can understand...she feels disabled...and no body wants to be dependant on others.
My heart aches...
And then we move...
The third patient is that old lady who spent few months in our hospital.
Everyday she has same complaints, but we are trying our best.
I feel bad again...How can anybody tolerate daily continuous discomfort?
And our round continues the same way...everyday...
I feel all the patients' problems accumulating in my heart...from inside out...until it is already full...
As if I'm wearing the patient's clothes...one over another
I believe the only thing I can do is to help them with my best...to pray for them...and to thank Allah for having full and great health.
Adding to an already crowded world!
This is my small corner in this already busy crowded world.
Hoping to add something useful...or at least, interseting.