الجمعة، نوفمبر ١٠، ٢٠٠٦

I am back!

I was having some interviews in Canada, as part of the application process for the postgraduate residency training.

I came back few days ago.

My first time to have a business trip :)

It was a great success alhamduliAllah...

What were the benefits from this trip?

1- I gained a great experience in

  • managing travel issues: I was the organizer of the whole trip (except for some help from my dear brother)...
  • having interviews ( ask me if you have any questions about that!). I am even writing what I learned down in order not to forget the details.

2- Met many great people: some of them I knew before...Others were completely strangers to me...But all of them were absolutely wonderful! They were of great help. Some of them were Saudi, others were Canadian...And few other people from other nationalities.

3- It was huge booster for my self confidence! Almost reached 150%!

4- Pleasure of having a good time, as a vacation in a beautiful country.

5- Having the opportunity to attend a very beneficial conference in the specialty of my interest, in one of the best centers!

6- Success in what I had this trip for in the first place: being accepted in the program. Thanks God...That was a great blessing.

Regarding the drawbacks...There were few:

1- I missed 2 weeks of Ramadan...And of course the whole eid!

2- I missed my mother and my brother a lot.

It was a very enjoyable experience! I'm so happy about it.

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The Blood Doctor يقول...

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