السبت، أبريل ٢١، ٢٠٠٧

سيد الذباب

سيد الذباب
قصة : وليم غولدينغ
ترجمة : فوزي محيدلي
الناشر : دار المناهل / دار الحرف العربي

اشتريت هذه الرواية منذ فترة و لكن لم أقرأها حتى الأسبوع الماضي. أنهيتها بشعور مرعب من الصدمة و الانزعاج. تمنيت أن أمحو بعض مشاهدها من ذاكرتي لبشاعتها. كل ذلك لم يمنعني من قراءتها ثانية في اليوم التالي لإنهائي لها

تحكي الرواية قصة مجموعة من الأولاد و الذين يقضون فترة وهم منعزلون على جزيرة. لا يستطيع أحد تخيل مسار القصة عندما يبدأ بالقراءة. الرواية تحمل أبعادا عميقة ، وكانت الترجمة رائعة بالفعل

بعد انتهائي سعدت بالعثور على موقع أجنبي يحوي رسما متخيلا للجزيرة ، مع بعض الموضوعات الأخرى. لا تطلعوا على الموقع قبل قراءة الرواية، حتى لا تخففوا من تأثيرها

هناك تعليقان (٢):

imanifest: nomad with rebel يقول...

3 years ago when i went to jeddah for a couple of months, my cousin, who was in high school at the time was supposed to read the book (don't you wish they made us read classic books like this one back in school? we weren't required to read anything that was non-curricular, how sad! but i know you read back then. i only read in high school... riwayat masriya cause of my fascination with b&w movies). aaaaaaanyway, so when my cousin didn't have time to read, she gave me the book so i'd outline the most important points for her for a quiz she was supposed to take the next day. i agreed only because i had had that book on my list for a while. i'm a slow reader, so i ended up looking it up and found the exact same website you just linked :) i outlined the main points for her. i was shocked too. it's so scary and i refused to believe that this is how we are. the truth is, we can take it anyway we want. there's lots of symbolism in it. i personally equate it to the fact that everyone's the same, people are followers and want to fit in as much as they can, but only a handfull are true to themselves and non-conformist. i see it from that point of view rather than a more literal way.

there's also a movie. you should watch it.

The Blood Doctor يقول...

Hi again Iman...

Yeah...I agree. I wished if we had the opportunity to read non-curricular books back then. But I wonder: wouldn't anything supported by the school be rejected by many of the students? I don't really know.

I am glad you read the book. After reading many innocent and nice novels and short stories, this was a shock (a little bit ;))

Thanks for sharing ur thoughts. I will make sure to see the movie inshalla, although I don't like movies starring many young boys!