السبت، مارس ١٧، ٢٠٠٧

Top Books for Junior Hematologists

This is a list of the books that I believe are very important during hematology training, (not in order) :

PDQ Hematology :This small book is really great for beginners. Whether you are a medical student, a junior hematology resident, or just in any medical field but would like to know more about hematology, then this book is for you. It is not deep, and this is what makes it beautiful.
Pros: the whole book (as PDF) is on the included free CD, in addition to bonus mcqs. Reasonable price.
: very simple, single edition published on 2002, not available in Jeddah.

A Beginner's Guide to Blood Cells : This is also a small book that covers a very important side in hematology, which is morphology, and specifically peripheral blood films. The author, Barbara Bain, is a world expert in the field. She wrote the book in a great way and made it a real "guide for beginners". This book must be read from cover to cover.
Pros: Includes a section for self-evaluation. Cons: none

The big brother of that book is : Blood Cells: A Practical Guide

In order to review bone marrow morphology you might want to refer to:
Bone Marrow Pathology
These last 2 books are not for beginners, and that's why I will not discuss them in details here.

Oxford Handbook of Clinical Haematology :That book is one of a successful series covering many specialties in Medicine. It was very practical during on-calls as it gave very useful advice about management, and was specifically useful in emergencies.

Bloody Easy 2 :A great book in transfusion medicine. In a simple way it teaches all what the junior needs for safe transfusion of blood and its components. It also explains complications of transfusion and transfusion reactions and how to manage them.

The authors of this book developed web site which provides a free course on the same topic. It is called Bloody Easy Online Learning. Don't miss it.

الثلاثاء، مارس ١٣، ٢٠٠٧

Bone Marrow Transplantation: Indications

Indications of Allogeneic BMT (from a donor):
1-Adult AML-in certain conditions
2- Adult ALL -in certain conditions
3- Aplastic anemia
4- Chronic myeloid leukemia
5- Myelodysplasia
6- Multiple myeloma (stage II/III)
7- Primary immunodeficiency syndromes
8- Thalassemia major
9- Sickle cell disease
10- Inborn errors of metabolism
11- Relapsed aggressive histology Non-Hodgkin's lymphoma
12- Relapsed Hodgkin's lymphoma

Indications of autologus BMT (from the same patient):
1- Non-Hodgkin's lymphoma -in certain conditions
2- Hodgkin's lymphoma -in certain conditions
3- Adult AML
4- Adult ALL
5- Multiple myeloma (stage II/III)
6- AL amyloidosis

Reference: Oxford Handbook of Clinical Haematology
2nd Edition 2004

This post was requested by our near future doctor Anas.

الخميس، مارس ٠١، ٢٠٠٧


اللوحة أعلاه تحمل اسم : الطبيب
The Doctor
و قد انتهى من رسمها عام 1891 السير لوك فيلدز في بريطانيا. توفي ابن الرسام عام 1877 إثر مرض شديد صبيحة الكريسماس و يبدو أنه قد تأثر كثيرا بالموقف ككل إضافة إلى موقف الطبيب و اهتمامه بحيث أنه بدأ رسم هذه اللوحة بعد عشر سنوات من ذلك الحادث . تأمل انحناءة الطبيب على الفتى المريض و استغراقه في تفكير عميق، و استشعر ألم الأم التي تظهر في خلفية الصورة و قد غطت وجهها بيديها، وراقب وجه الأب الذي يتابع الطبيب باهتمام

أعترف بعدم معرفتي و لا اهتمامي بالفن و اللوحات ، ولكن الفضل في تعريفي بهذه اللوحة الرائعة و التي أحببتها كإبنة إلى الدكتور / محمد الشهري ، رئيس قسم الرعاية التلطيفية بمستشفى الملك فيصل التخصصي و مركز الأبحاث بالرياض من خلال محاضرته عن الآثار النفسية و الاجتماعية عند مرضى الأورام ، ضمن المؤتمر الخاص بمستجدات أمراض الأورام . لقد أبدع الدكتور و تمنيت لو لم تنته محاضرته أبدا. شكرا لك دكتور

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